01244 470380



Year 5 2023 - 2024

Mrs Craven

Mrs Hughes

Welcome to Year 5


Summer Term. 

Welcome back, we hope everyone had a fantastic Easter Break. We have lots of exiciting things planned for this half term and can't wait to get started.

Remember to check out our weekly class news on Facebook published every Monday, to find out what we will be learning about each week in school!

Example of our Weekly Newsletter


Many thanks,

Mrs Craven and Miss Roberts


Important Information:

Our School Golden Rules

  • Be respectful
  • Be ready
  • Be safe


The cost of snack remains the same at £1 per week. This gets your child toast everyday of the week at break time. If your child prefers to bring snack from home this has to be a healthy option such as fruit.


PE will be on TUESDAY afternoon from now on, however, we now ask that children come to school wearing their PE kit on that day. This MUST be a school kit. 

Your child's PE kit should include: -

  • Blue T-shirt (Can be purchased form the school office)
  • Black shorts or plain black/dark jogging bottoms in winter
  • Trainers (for outside PE)
  • Black pumps (for indoor PE)
  • School jumper or Cardigan in the colder month


Just a reminder to all Parents, Homework will go home on a Tuesday and be returned to us completed on the following Monday. It is vital that all children bring in their homework completed as it helps prepare them for Year 6 as well as High School. Please note homework may not go out to children every week.


Children are still expected to be reading a minimum of 4 times a week so that they can achieve their reading certificates. This needs to be logged in their Reading Record which then needs to be brought into school to be checked.

School Uniform

Just a reminder to our parents, children should wear their full school uniform daily unless stated otherwise. School Uniform should include: -

  • School Jumper or Cardigan
  • White Shirt/polo shirt
  • Tie (colour based on which house your child is in)
  • Black/Grey Trousers or skirt
  • School Dress
  • ALL Black Shoes


Our Curriculum:

MATHS: We will be focusing on 'Decimals and Percentages' for the first few weeks and then will be continuing with 'Decimals' where we will be adding and subtracting using formal written methods. 

ENGLISH- We are excited to begin 'Paperbag Prince' our new book on which our writing will be based. At the end of thi unit, we will be writinga persuasive information text. 

SCIENCE: Our first science topic this Summer is Properties and Changes of Materials. In this topic the children will learn about different materials, thier uses and thier properties. 

History: Our new History topic is 'The History of Cheser Zoo'. This is a local hisotry study and we will be exploring the key events in the history of the zoo, how the story began and how it has changed over time. 


Files to Download


Lache Primary School

Hawthorn RoadLache, Chester CH4 8HX

Mrs Sheena Coghill | Main Contact

01244 470380


From September 2023 school will be open from 8.50am-3.20pm