01244 470380



Year 3 2023 - 2024

Miss Mursell

Mrs Lloyd


Welcome to year 3.PNG


Welcome to Year 3! The teacher in Year 3 this year will be Miss Mursell and the teaching assistant will be Mrs Lloyd.

We are really looking forward to having the children in our class this year. If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact us on Weduc or Facebook or come and see us on the door at the end of the day. 



Things to remember;

  • PE is on a Monday, the children are to come to school in their PE kit
  • Please send your child into school with a water bottle, every day
  • Snack is 20p a day or £1 for the week, there is a choice of fresh fruit or toast 
  • Please send your child in with their reading record, every day 
  • Homework will go out on a Friday and must be returned the following Thursday


**Please keep an eye out for our weekly newsletters that will be posted on facebook every Monday to see what Year 3 will be focusing on throughout the week. It will also have important information, dates and websites that can help support the children's learning at home**



Children should be reading at least 4 times per week for 10 minutes or more, this is extremely important as it lays the foundations for future learning. Once your child has read please sign their reading record in order for them to work towards earning their Reader 4 Life certificates.


School Uniform:

Just a remider to our parents, children should wear their full school uniform, daily, unless stated otherwise. School Uniform should include: -

  • School jumper or cardigan
  • White Shirt/polo shirt
  • Tie (colour based on which house your child is in)
  • Black/Grey Trousers or skirt
  • School Dress
  • Black Shoes- black trainers are accepted aslong as there is NO slogan, motif or white sole

PE Kit:

Your child's PE kit should include: -

  • Blue School T-shirt
  • Plain black shorts, leggings or joggers
  • Trainers (for outside PE)
  • Black pumps (for indoor PE)


Good quality seccond hand items can be purchased from our school shop, please see Mrs Coghill for more information. 



Children will continue to receive dojos this year, children will receive positive and negative dojos. Your child will receive positive dojo's for good behaviour, wearing correct uniform and being on time! However, your child may also receive negative dojo's for poor behaviour, being late and incorrect uniform.

If your child has 90% or over, positive dojo's they will have earnt themselves enrichment time, if your child has 90% or less positive dojos they will go to reflection time with Mrs Seager and Mrs Scott - Scarth. 



MATHS - To start our year we will be working on place value withing 1,000 and our second topic this half term is addition and sibtraction.

ENGLISH - Our first book this half term is Seal Surfer by Micheal Foreman. Outcome; recount - letter writing. 

READING - Our first Pathways to Read book this half term is The Sea Book by Charlotte Millner. This is a beautiful information book all about the sea.

SCIENCE - Forces and Magnets is out first science topic in Year 3. 



Our School rules: 

*Be Respectful*

*Be Ready*

*Be Safe*





Files to Download


Lache Primary School

Hawthorn RoadLache, Chester CH4 8HX

Mrs Sheena Coghill | Main Contact

01244 470380


From September 2023 school will be open from 8.50am-3.20pm