01244 470380



Reception Class 2024 - 2025

Mrs Sproston



Please click the link above to find out about Reception Class 


Hello to all our Reception friends

from the

Reception Class Team

Helen Humphreys  Clare Morgan  Jan Sproston






Our Pathways Book Focus 

By the end of the unit the children will be able to depict the main events of the story using between three to six images. The children will mark make next to their images explaining what is happening.


The Gingerbread Man 


Mara Alperin




The half term we will be using our pathways book to inspire our learning.

All about a cheeky little gingrbread man who runs away from the animals that he meets.

The question is does gingerbread man get outwitted by the fox?



Our Author Studies

This half term we will be sharing stories, poems and recipe books by :

Julia Donaldson




Little Wandle Phonics Programme   


We teach our daily phonics lessons using Little Wandle.  This is a programme  contains structured daily lessons.  Follow the link below to the Little Wandle parent page to see what your child will be learning during the school year and how you can help them at home: 


We will also be running phonic stay and play sessions through out the year to support your child's learning at home.  Please come in for a chat if you would like any advice our door is always open.



In mathatics this term we will be developing our subitising, counting and comparing skills. We use a programme called Mastering Number as our teaching focus and provide lots of opportunities for children to investigate mathematical concepts both inside and outside.






School Uniform

Children are expected to wear school uniform which consists of:

Black school shoes.

Black or grey trousers or skirt

White shirt or polo shirt or

blue checked dress and

blue sweat shirt or cardigan and a school tie.  

Sweatshirts, cardigans, ties, book bags, PE kits are available from : Uniformity 22-24 Handbridge, Chester CH4 7JE  Tel: 01244 680187

Wellies for Outdoor Learning:

In Early Years it is so important that the children can play outside whatever the weather please can you make sure you child has a pump bag ( please no plastic bags for safety reasons) and a pair of wellies in school at all times. 


Water Bottles:

Water bottles should be brought in every day and should contain only water or flavoured still water.    


Our School Rules:

  • Be respectful
  • Be ready 
  • Be safe











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Lache Primary School

Hawthorn RoadLache, Chester CH4 8HX

Mrs Sheena Coghill | Main Contact

01244 470380


From September 2023 school will be open from 8.50am-3.20pm